Lindsay wanted me to re-post this recipe for the bread that we Dyers are slightly
addicted to. We still make it often-- my new addition is to cover the loaf in sesame
seeds before I make it. Yum!
3 cups (430 grams, to be exact) of all-purpose flour
scant Tablespoon of coarse salt (like Kosher, don't use table)
1/4 teaspoon instant yeast (also known as RapidRise OR Breadmachine yeast)
about 1 5/8 cups of water
extra flour for dusting
In large glass or plastic mixing bowl, combine flour, salt, and yeast.
Pour in water and mix with wooden spoon. The dough will be sticky and kind of shaggy looking.
This is normal even though it looks wrong. Cover bowl with plastic wrap
and let stand for 16-20 hours. (Can be at room temp., unless house is
really cold) The dough should be bubbly looking and should be stringy when
the bowl is tipped. Turn dough onto a WELL floured surface.
With a bench scraper pull out both sides of the dough and fold over each
other into thirds. (It will be VERY sticky) Give a quarter turn and do it
again-- flouring all the while. Oil the bowl a bit and toss it back in. (Update: I now just leave the dough IN the bowl, grab a rubber scraper and "fold" it a few times. I don't oil the bowl in this case and it works just fine.)
Cover it with plastic wrap and let stand for another 2-3 hour rise.
Place a medium cast iron pot with lid OR any casserole WITH LID into oven
WHILE you pre-heat oven to 450 degrees. Let the casserole dish heat for at
least 30 minutes. Remove dish, sprinkle bottom with flour (or sesame seeds).
Transfer dough to hot pot, sprinkle with a bit more flour, (some salt and
sesame seeds),cover with lid and return tooven. Bake 30 minutes WITH lid,
remove lid and bake 15minutes more. Shake it out onto cooling surface.
Wait AT LEAST 45 minutes to slice. (Another update: We now use 2 c. of white flour and 1 c. wheat and really like the results)
yee-haw! thanks, cheryl!
definitely going to try this. baking bread is my hobby. eating it, too. thanks cheryl!
hey, one more thing. would you be able to post a picture of the pot you use for baking the bread? i'm trying to figure out if i have an equivalent piece of crockery...:)
You know, it recently shattered. I've patched together something that works-- a Pyrex casserole dish with a glass pie plate on top as a cover. I've also heard of people using LeCruset enamel soup pots sans plastic handles. I think, though, really anything that is oven-proof with a lid would work just fine.
P.S. We have a nasty bread-eating habit, too.
oh, my condolences! i'll try the casserole dish/pie plate solution. i like rigging things together in the kitchen.
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