Tuesday, May 22, 2007

My quick and easy dinner stand-by.

Daphne mentioned her love of goat cheese in the comments section. I love that stuff, too. Here is a way we use it for a really quick meal (In fact, we had it for dinner last night, wish I would have taken a picture)

Goat Cheese Omelet (serves 2)
serve with crusty bread and lettuce salad

Preheat skillet over med. heat with a bit of olive oil.
3 eggs, beaten with generous pinch of kosher salt and a splash of water
1/8-1/4 c. frozen chopped spinach, defrosted and the water pressed out
--mix together--

Pour into hot pan, swirl to cover pan bottom. As it cooks, lift out omelet and let egg run underneath to cook. I don't flip it, if you want the top cooked more, you can put a lid over the pan.
Next, drop crumbles of goat cheese onto omelet. Last night we also added parm cheese and chopped roma tomatoes. Fold over and serve. Yum!


Darby said...

that sounds SO GOOD. i grovel in abject love before goat cheese. especially paired with tomatoes. sadly, unpasteurized cheeses are verboten. i will console myself with a jar of cheez whiz.

Daphne said...

mmmm. thanks for this idea cheryl! i was so tired last night after a crazy day. instead of stopping at taco hell on the way homem, i took your quick n' easy suggestion. unfortunately my nearly month-old pkg of goat cheese had a considerable amount of mold growing on it. so i made due with a spinach and feta omelet. it was SO GOOD...wish i could say the same for music and lyrics, which i watched while i ate dinner (sans lettuce salad and with toast instead of crusty bread).

caron said...

i wondered about music & lyrics...thought it'd be a good guilty pleasure movie. guess not.

toxic hell...i love their bean buritos. mmm.

but the omletto sounds tasty, too. sadly, we don't eat good food anymore. access to tasty cheeses & breads is at an all time low 'round here. but, that promotes a kind of regularity than i can't complain about.