Tuesday, February 10, 2009

My pizza dough

Darby and I were chatting yesterday about what we've been making for dinner. (Now that I think about it, I answered her question, but failed to reciprocate the question...) Anyway, I told her we make pizza once a week because we can turn it into whatever we want it to be and then make a simple cheese pizza for the kids. Everyone is pleased.

Tonight Kyle and I are having anchovies, pesto, red onions and peppers. Kids will have cheese as usual.

Here's the dough:

Throw into large food processor with dough blade attached:
- 1/2 c. wheat flour
- 2.5 cups white flour
- 1 (heaping) teaspoon instant yeast
- 2 T. kosher salt

process until mixed

Sloooowly add 1 to 1 1/4 cups room temp water interspersed with adding 2 T. olive oil. The entire addition should take a minute and a half so it "kneads" the dough for you. When it has pulled away from the side and forms something like a ball, I take it off the base, throw a towel over it and plop it in front of my heat vent for about 2 hours. (You can let it rise all day in the fridge if you like...)

At dinner time I punch it down and if I have time let it rest for 10 minutes before I spread it out onto a greased cookie sheet. Add toppings and bake at 500 until done!

1 comment:

Darby said...

thank you! great to see you. i'm still marveling that ben and ada stayed occupied long enough for us to chat. it gives a girl hope.