Monday, July 14, 2008

recipe requests!

Cheryl - will you post your recipe for hummus that you shared with us on Friday? And while you're at it, how about your green smoothie concoction? (also please list green smoothie combos that aren't so tasty. let us learn from your experimentation!) My blender's wasting away under the cabinet, and this may be just the thing to bring it out from hibernation.


Daphne said...

cheryl posted it a while ago. YUM!

Cheryl said...

Thanks, Daphne.

And, just so you are all certain I am a nerd. I actually had a smoothie blog for a while. It was mostly for me so I could remember good recipes. I've abandoned it as of late. Here's the link:

Unknown said...

a HA! holding out on us, eh?

they look good. i am gonna dust off the blender. but i don't think i can go so far as to add a beet to my morning're a maverick, cheryl!